Dr Robert Nettles was predestined to be the inventor of the first cure for androgenetic alopecia (hereditary baldness). His high school thesis project at age 17 was studying the genetic makeup of our DNA and its inheritance patterns.
At age 21 when graduating from college he noticed that his father was already bald and his older brother was showing the beginning signs of thinning hair. This concerned him for his own hair and became an active research project for him during medical school.
By the time he graduated from medical school Dr Nettles had discovered that DHT is the cause of hair loss and understood that the then current wonder-drug Rogaine didn’t really ‘work’ but could only really grow existing hair thicker until the DHT eventually took over and throttled hair growth completely. Also by this time both his older brothers had significant hair loss and his own hair had started thinning.
Post-graduation Dr Nettles undertook a fellowship of ophthalmology where he had the opportunity to witness prostaglandin medicines grow lashes longer and thicker over only a short period of time without the side effects which Rogaine and Minoxidil provide.
Dr Nettles continued his study and specialization in the hair loss area becoming a renowned hair restoration expert and was a pioneer in performing the Advanced High Density MICROscopic single hair transplant procedure. As a practicing cosmetic surgeon he also pioneered the non-surgical rhinoplasty and has a special interest in the field of non-surgical solutions to cosmetic problems which have previously been cured only via surgical methods.
At the age of 29, after suffering significant hair loss himself, Dr Nettles began a regime of self-therapy as he worked to perfect the formula. He noticed that when using both internal and external medications together his hair loss reversed and his hairs also thickened. He initially saw a difference at 3 months, but it was not until 12 months he could really feel the difference, 2 years until others noticed the improvement and 3 years until his hair was fully regrown thicker and he started growing his hair long.
He spent the next years developing his proprietary solution and perfecting the formula to also include additional hair growth agents to speed up the effect.
Since 2009 he has been actively treating patients within his clinical practice with the Stop and reGrow solution with amazing results. Working with hundreds of patients enabled the Doctor to then study the relationship between individual genetics and biochemistry to understand exactly which medications and doses will produce the best results for each individual.
Over 90% of the patients treated thus far report seeing new hair growth within 90 days and not a single patient has stopped the protocol because they didn’t see results. He additionally has not yet had any side effects reported and not a single patient has reported libido problems either.
Dr Nettles is so confident of his proprietary Stop and reGrow solution’s effectiveness that he is prepared to guarantee the results. If after 12 months of continued use of the Stop and reGrow Hair solution as directed you are able to demonstrate that the Stop and reGrow solution has not worked for you, Dr Nettles will offer a full refund of all product purchased.
So what are you waiting for? Give us a call to schedule your consultation today on
(310) 601-4778.
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