Client Reviews

Stop and Regrow - Real Client Success Stories

* Results may vary from person to person
James came to see us originally 7 months ago because he had hair loss in his family, was seeing hair fall on his pillow and in the shower each morning. He also noticed his hairline moving back at the front. On the left is from his initial consultation and on the right after just 7 months on the program. We can see the progress using some distinguishing marks on his forehead: a scar in center front from a childhood accident and a mole at the top left of his head. As you can see his hairline has grown nearly half an inch back down his forehead. Read more about James' story here.*
James - 7 Months of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

We saw Donnell (50) recently for his virtual 9 months review appt and all he could say when he saw the pictures was WOW!

Donnell nearly quit the program after 6 months, but lucky for him he decided to continue and just look at his result! 

See Donnell talking about his program results here.  *

Donnell - 9 Months of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

This is Sanjay.  Sanjay has the hair loss pattern we call diffuse thinning where one hair at a time in each follicle is not replaced at the end of its lifecycle.  During the regrowth phase those hairs will regrow one at a time.  *

Sanjay - 6 Months of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

Andrew is 34 years old and after 12 months on the program is seeing great results at the crown, in particular.  In general hair regrowth will follow the reverse of the pattern it was lost, ie: starting regrowth at the crown and then moving forward to the temples and the front over time. *

Andrew - 12 Months of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

This is Andrew at 18 months, just 6 months after his picture immediately left.  As you can see his hair regrowth is moving forward and his temples are now coming in. *

You can see Andy talk about his experience with us here.

Andrew - 18 Months of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

Hamer is 34 yrs old from Georgia.  Before he started our program Hamer had a transplant in the front and was using onion juice without success.  Just 18 months of Stop and Regrow later, not only is his hair regrowing nicely but we also increased his natural free testosterone levels by an additional 55% as well. 

So now not only does he look great, but he feels amazing too. 

Hamer said: “Wow, I’m so happy with the results. Not only do I have more hair but I also feel better. I absolutely love this program. All my friends are astonished and impressed with how my hair is regrowing.”  *

Hamer - 18 Months of Treatment

Hair Regrowth Treatment before and after 9 months Ryan

Jan has been on the program for 2 years, he’s a 36 year old advertising executive from Los Angeles, CA. 

As a result of following the Stop and Regrow nutrition recommendations, he increased his protein intake by 10% and HDL intake by 24% while maintaining his carbs at a healthy level. Not only has he significantly regrown his hair, but his Free Testosterone increased by 39% and his total testosterone by 46%..  *

Jan - 24 Months of Treatment

Best hair regrowth product

Luis is a 40 year old latino male who was affected with miniaturized hairs in all five of the zones identified by Dr Nettles.  As you can see after two years his hair is growing back really well. We expect that to continue and Luis will get back his full healthy head of hair. Luis is a virtual client so we thank his wife for taking and sending in his progress pictures every 3 months. *

Luis - 2 Years of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

Simon has been on our program 6 months when this picture was taken.  Simon is following the doctor's program for improved health and quality of life to the letter and the results speak for themselves, he now meditates daily, exercises daily, has lost 20 pounds and regained the pep in his step as well as his confidence and self esteem. *

Simon - 6 Months of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

Once the hair regrowth phase starts, which is normally somewhere between the 3 to 6 months mark, first the existing hairs will start to thicken and then one by one the hairs which were lost over time will start to regrow.  In the crown area this happens from the outside in.  *

Simon - 6 Months of Treatment

Hair Regrowth Treatment before and after 9 months Ryan

Meet Ryan.  Ryan is a 41 yr old east coaster.  This incredible progress at just 9 months is a testament to his dedication to our nutrition program in conjunction with his customized daily capsule and once per night application of our proprietary hair regrowth foam formulation.  *

Ryan - 9 Months of Treatment

Best hair growth product
Jon had started receding and thinning so badly he even cut his hair in a mohawk and padded it with product to stop it looking so thin. Now after 12 months on our program you can see he has grown it out completely and is looking great.*
Jon - 12 Months of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

Jack is 35 years old and all he could say at his 12 months review was "Wow! Great results!  My hair has never been this long and healthy". *

Jack - 12 Months of Treatment

After just 9 months on the program all Ken could say was "I cant believe how quickly it's growing in, it's kind of incredible. I used to use concealer hair fibers to cover up, since 2012. Today, 9 months on the Stop and Regrow program my hair already looks so much better that I don't need to use the concealer fiber anymore.

Ken - 9 Months of Treatment

Best hair regrowth product

Michael has been on the program here for 15 months.  Besides the hair regrowth he is even more happy about the improvements in his confidence, energy, mood, and more. *

You can see Michael talking about his Stop and Regrow journey here.

Michael - 15 Months of Treatment

hair growth images over time customer reviews
Mike was considering a transplant when he found us.  He had tried everything from Propecia to Rogaine, to Viviscal and others. He had a red and inflamed scalp from the products he was using prior to Stop and reGrow.  As soon as we switched him to the Stop and reGrow program his scalp cleared up and his hair started growing like crazy.  He has now become our biggest fan and is referring everyone he knows.*

Mike J - 5 Months of Treatment

Best hair regrowth product

Mark is a 30 year old male who visited us initially 6 months ago after noticing 12 months prior that his hair had thinned considerably especially at the crown.

He tried using rogaine and hair growth vitamins to stop the loss without success.  6 months later, Mark is showing great improvement in both thickness and texture of hair as well as hair health.  It will continue to regrow thicker and thicker as long as he stays on the program. *

Mark - 6 Months of Treatment

Adam's hair loss is typical of the balding pattern which starts in the center of the crown then spreads outwards.  Hair loss in this pattern will regrow back from the outside in, meaning that the very center will be the very last to regrow.. *

Adam - 9 Months of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment - regrow diffuse thinning and receding hair

Cleve is 26 years old and this is his progress after 18 months on the program.  His was suffering from both temples and diffuse thinning.

Cleve was so impress by what he learned from Dr Nettles, he flew all the way from Australia to get started.

See Cleve's talking about his experience with us here  *

Cleve - 18 Months of Treatment

Greg has now been on the program for over 9 years, the last 6 on our maintenance program.  Men and women come to us for hair, but stay for health. *

Greg - 3 Years of Regrowth + 6 Years Maintenance

Hair Loss Treatment

Douglas is 26 years old and after just 6 months on the program is seeing great results at the crown, in particular.  He has previously tried rogaine, propecia, PRP, laser, shampoos and hair vitamins, all unsuccessfully before finding Stop and Regrow.  *

Douglas - 6 Months of Treatment

Seth has been on the program for 2 years when this picture was taken. 

All Seth could say was 'It Works!, It definitely works. *

Seth - 2 Years of Treatment

Best hair regrowth product

James is a 29 year old male who found us after experiencing side effects from finasteride. After just 6 months, he is excited about everything working so well and was elated that his anxiety has also improved as a result of his rebalanced biochemistry from the program. *

James - 6 Months of Treatment
Best hair regrowth product
Matt is one of our virtual clients who we rely on to take their own pictures and send them in for review every 3 months.  As you can see even when Matt is trying as hard as he can to make his his loss look worse there is no comparison to his initial pictures.  Looking at him today after just 9 months you would never know his hair was previously thinning. *
Matt - 9 Months of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment
Lee is very excited about his progress on the program having regrown nearly his full head of hair in just 12 months. Now we are working with him on nutrition as prevention for age related diseases. Stop and Regrow believes in food as medicine and prevention as the best approach to healthcare.*
Lee - 12 Months of Treatment
Best hair regrowth product
As you can see from Jose's before image he was starting to lose his hair in the classic u shape from the temples.  Now after just 12 months on the program his hair is really starting to fill in beautifully. Another 12 months and you would never know he was losing his hair. *
Jose - 12 Months of Treatment
Best hair regrowth product
Noah is a 31 year old male who has been on the program for 12 months.  Everyone's progress is different and both stress and nutrition will affect how fast your hair regrows. Noah is very excited about the improved texture and quality of his regrowing hair.  We expect to see the back area completely filled in over the next 6-12 months. *
Noah - 12 Months of Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment
David was not only suffering from male pattern baldness, but as a result of the stress of worrying about his hair, he also had some alopecia areata areas and was developing white hairs. Now just 17 months into his treatment program, not only is his regrown hair looking amazingly healthy and shiny, but it is also growing back the color. *
David - 17 Months of Treatment
Hair Loss Treatment
Eric is 30 years old and after 2 years on the program is seeing great results on the top of his head in particular.  In general hair regrowth will follow the reverse of the pattern it was lost, ie: starting regrowth at the crown and then moving forward to the temples and the front over time.
He has also lost weight and gained lean muscle from following the program's nutrition recommendations.  *
Eric - 24 Months of Treatment

Davey was just so happy to be able to style his hair again, he couldn't stop saying "thank you". Not only has Stop and Regrow regrown my hair, but my skin and acne have cleared up to.o*

Davey - 12 Months of Treatment

When a balding crown regrows, it does not grow from the inside out like it was lost.  Instead it will fill in gradually from the outside in. *

Jim - 9 Months of Treatment

balding crown hair regrows from the outside in - before and after

Besides regrowing his hair gradually over time, Jake was most excited about the increased energy, improved libido, better sleep and focus he also experiences from the Stop and Regrow program. *

Jake - 3.5 Years of Treatment

diffuse thinning before and after picture hiro japanese hair

Hiro's hair thinning pattern is diffuse thinning. This means that he is losing hair from all over the top of his head as the hair follicles lose hairs one at a time.  As they grow back they only grow back one at a time too.*

Hiro - 18 Months of Treatment

Nigel is so happy he no longer needs to grow his hair long to hide the balding spot on his crown.  It's all about having options.

He did mention one side effect - he now has to cut his hair every 2 weeks due to how fast it's growing. *

Nigel - 9 Months of Treatment

Simon was pretty advanced in his hair loss when he came to see us. We have now turned the corner and his regrowth phase is nearly complete.  Simon is very happy to have back his healthy shiny locks of hair. He is especially happy that he doesn't have to pad and tease his hair with product every day to make sure that other people don't see his bald area at work. *
Simon - 18 Months of Treatment

max's #1 mens hair regrowth treatment
When Max first came to see us he was experiencing diffuse thinning all over the top third of his scalp. While less common we do see this regularly. Luckily for Max he came to see us in time and we were able to save all his hair. The picture on the right shows Max's progress after just 16 Months on the Stop and reGrow program. *

Max - 16 Months On Our Program
hair regrowth customer reviews
Ivan came to see us originally asking for a hair transplant. Instead we asked him to give us 12 months of treatment with Stop and Regrow so we could prove to him it would not be necessary. As you can see his results have been fantastic. After just 21 months on the Stop and Regrow program Ivan has completely regrown and filled in all the thinning areas on his head. *
Ivan - 21 Months On Our Program
mens hair regrowth before and after shane

Shane - 12 Months On Our Program

hair regrowth customer reviews

Shane has had great success on our program and at 12 months you can see that both his crown (left picture) has filled in and his receding temples are growing back forward to straighten his hairline (above). He was so happy at 11 months he made a testimonial video for us, you can see that here on our Stop and Regrow client reviews page. *

What are you waiting for?

Book and schedule your no-obligation free hair loss consultation online now.

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