Women tend to thin all over rather than in the same hereditary patterns as men. Women's hair loss is also often more complex and generally has multiple causes. As a result it can take more time to see improvement than for men.
Sharon was suffering from a combination of androgenetic alopecia and traction alopecia (from heavy extensions to hide the hair loss) complicated by telogen effluvium as a result of the stress her hair hair loss was causing her. *
Sharon - 22 Months of Treatment
The answer is yes! Alena has had naturally thin hair her whole life, but she was also starting to recede back at the front and in particular at the temples which are classic signs of hormonal hair loss. Alena has been using just our grow solution for the last 9 months and has achieved significant improvement already.
You can hear Alena talk about her experience with Stop and Regrow on our Youtube channel here . *
Alena - 9 Months of Treatment
For many women stress manifests itself through our scalps in the form of alopecia areata. Stop and reGrow is able to treat this via a combination treatment that stops the scalp from reacting to stress and then speeds up the hair regrowth process. You can see the improvement in Shonali's hair after only 3 months of treatment with us in her pictures right. *
Learn more about Alopecia and Alopecia Areata here.
Mary is a working actress so her hair and appearance are very important for her profession and to keep her working.
After 12 months on the program she is ecstatic with the results, and so happy that thinning hair is not something that has to happen as part of the aging process.
She couldn't be happier with the results. *
Mary - 12 Months of Treatment
Xindi has been losing hair for over 10 years and she estimates she had lost more than 50% of her hair when we met her. Hair also had stopped growing and she felt stuck with her short hair style.
After just 9 months on the program, Xinidi is already seeing great results. You can watch her video testimonial on our Stop and Regrow reviews page here. *
Xindi - 9 Months of Treatment
Megan is a young mother who initially thought her hair loss was post partum. Her Biochemical Report Card labs however revealed that her hair loss was due to androgenetic alopecia made worse by poor nutrition.
After just 6 months on the program, Megan is already seeing results with more to come.. *
Megan - 6 Months of Treatment
For most women (and some men) androgenetic alopecia is characterized by diffuse thinning rather than recession or balding.
However it can often start or be worse in genetic patterns. The temples area is one of those areas.
Here you can see Melissa after just 9 months of treatment with Stop and Regrow. Such great results came through Melissa really embracing the nutrition component of the Stop and Regrow program and in particular ensuring that she was consuming protein regularly throughout the day – every day. *
Melissa - 9 Months of Treatment
Karen is a busy attorney and the resulting stress was playing havoc with her hair. She was thinning significantly at the temples and also had diffused thinning at the top of her scalp which was seen via her widening part.
After following the Stop and Regrow program religiously including recommended plans for lifestyle changes, nutrition and including her personalized medicine program, her hair has already regrown significantly after just 12 months of treatment. *
Karan - 12 Months of Treatment
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