Hair Regrowth Treatments for Men

Hair Regrowth for Men

Male hair loss, male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia (sometimes also abbreviated to androgenic alopecia) will affect 70% of men in their lifetime. 

It is characterized by hairs that thins over time. Dr Nettles has identified 5 zones of the scalp that can be affected by hair loss in men and each of them is impacted differently as follows:

hair regrowth treatment for men
  1. Zones 1 and 3 – temple areas: these hairs will thin and miniaturize until they become so small the follicles no longer produce hair. This happens from the front heading back so that your hair line recedes. 

  2. Zone 2 – center front: this area miniaturizes and recedes similarly to the temples, however for most men it happens much later than zones 1 and 3.

  3. Zone 4 – this area is characterized by generalized or diffuse thinning. Either every hair in each follicle will degrade from 100% thickness to 90% to 80% to 70% and so on or the hair follicles will lose hair density from typically 3-7 strands, losing one at a time until left with two, then one then none..

  4. Zone 5 – starts right in the very center of the crown where the hairs will gradually lose density and miniaturize one hair at a time to create a gradually enlarging circle. Some people will experience hair loss here even before the frontal areas.

Dr Nettles has not only identified how hair loss happens, but why it happens. His unique men’s hair growth treatment program identifies all the factors, both hereditary and environmental, that impact your hair and overall health. 

His Biochemical Report Card, is a comprehensive suite of lab tests that cover your organ and cell health, hormone balance, nutritional intake, inherited enzyme activity, immune system and all other factors contributing to your specific alopecia. He then formulates a precision program based on your individual blood work results to rebalance and optimize your biochemistry.  You will look and feel and live better.

Does the Stop and Regrow MENS Hair Regrowth Program Work?

At the Stop and Regrow clinic we are successfully treating and regrowing men’s hair in clients as young as 14 aged right up to 88 years of age across 6 continents.

The most common reaction we receive from our happy clients is, “I’ve never felt better in my life”.  Men come to see us for hair, but stay for the improved health they get in the bargain.

You can see and hear some of our male clients (at least the ones who were brave enough to give us permission to publish their images and stories) on our stop and regrow client reviews page here.

If you'd like to speak to one of our hair regrowth experts to understand whether our program would be right for you, schedule a video consultation online here

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