Guaranteed Hair Regrowth

Stop and Regrow Guaranteed Hair Regrowth

Terms & Conditions

Stop and Regrow is a holistic program that stops hair loss and regrows thinning hair by treating the underlying biochemical cause of hair loss rather than the visible symptom.

Stop and Regrow is the only non-surgical solution on the market with guaranteed hair regrowth (for eligible candidates). Dr. Nettles is confident that if this solution doesn’t work for you, no other treatment on the market will.

The Stop and Regrow process begins with phase 1 - stopping the hair loss (can take up to 6 months), followed by the phase 2 - the regrowth phase, before moving to phase 3 - maintenance - once you have regrown your hair to where you are happy with it.

What is the Stop and Regrow Guarantee?

If after 18 months of treatment* (6 months stopping + 12 months regrowth) you do not see hair regrowth measured by side by side pictures review, you will not pay for treatment until you see hair regrowth for up to 12 additional months (the grace period**).

Eligibility Requirements

  1. You must have live hair follicles which can be regrown. We will provide an initial review of your hair's eligibility during your free consultation.  This will be confirmed during your comprehensive assessment.

  2. If you are offered the guarantee, you will be provided with a Guarantee Agreement to accept and sign. The guarantee does not apply without this signed agreement. 

  3. Hair regrowth is impacted by many factors including nutrition and lifestyle.  As a result to be eligible for the guarantee you must follow your Stop and Regrow program as directed by your Stop and Regrow physician.

  4. You must follow all program directions as instructed: including use of both oral and topical formulas daily. Use of both formulations together is required to rebalance your biochemistry to stop hair loss and regrow your thin hair.

  5. You must follow our nutrition recommendations to achieve defined optimal levels for protein, fat, and sugar intake.

  6. You must provide clear and comparable pictures for your baseline and same again (same angles, lighting, etc.) in advance of your 6-month, 9-month, annual review, 15 month and 18 month appointments. All pictures must meet the following guidelines:
  7. your whole head must be visible and fill at least 80% of the image.
  8. your head, hairs and scalp must be in sharp focus with clear lighting.
  9. all 5 images as requested must be provided.

  10. Your Stop and Regrow Consultant and a manager will review and confirm that your pictures are eligible.

  11. You must attend all scheduled calls and appointments so that we can optimize your program along the way and achieve best results.

  12. You must redo bloodwork at 6 or 9 months to ensure your biochemistry has been optimally rebalanced and nutrition improved to support healthy hair regrowth. You may also be required to complete bloodwork again at 18 months to prove required nutritional intake levels.

  13. You consent to allow us to use/post your before and after pictures on social media and on our website. These can be posted anonymously without personally identifying features by request.

*  With consistent use of your personalized program for 18 months as directed by the physician.

** No one likes to pay for something that doesn't work, so we offer a grace period in cases of slow regrowth. The grace period refers to a pause in payment for your program beginning after 18 months on the program until sufficient photographic evidence is gathered - up to an additional 12-month period - provided eligible pictures are remitted and attendance at complimentary hair review appointments every 3 months. After sufficient evidence is gathered to reveal the hair regrowth, the program cost accrued during the grace period can be repaid to continue your program. If sufficient evidence is not obtained by the end of your 12 month grace period, you are no longer obligated to repay the grace period balance.  All eligibility requirements must be met for your grace period balance to be cancelled.

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