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Vigilantes Radio Podcast - Featuring Dr Ray Nettles

Listen in to Vigilantes Radio Host Coach Dini Reynolds Chat With Stop and Regrow's Own Dr Ray Nettles

Dr Ray on Vigilantes Radio talks hair loss and hair regrowth
Dr NEttles interview on Vigilantes Podcast on spotify

You are now listening to Vigilantes Radio presented by the only one Media Group. This is the people's choice but quality interviews celebrities and special guests, hosted by Demetrius Dini Reynolds. For the complete archive of episodes, visit And be sure to like us on Facebook at vigilantes radio. We welcome all enjoy the show.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your host, Demetrius Whodini Blak Reynolds. Enjoy the show.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 0:59

What's going on? guys. Welcome to another incredible episode of Vigilantes Radio Live. I'm excited. Can't you tell? All right, yeah. So we do have a special guest for you guys special episode. 

All right. So our interviews are designed to go beyond music, news books, art, acting films, technology, education, entrepreneurship, entertainment. And sometimes guys, we go even beyond the ego. Our interviews are designed to go behind the scenes and into the minds of these incredible human beings. You know, the ones are out there giving it their all, for me, for you and for the world. And with that, let's welcome our guest. He's a dedicated researcher, developer, hair loss expert, the one, the only, Dr. Robert nettles. We call him Dr. Ray. Hey, man, welcome to the show.

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 1:55

All right. Hello there Coach Dini. It's Dr. Nettles or Dr. Ray, good to see you. Good to hear from you.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 2:03

Absolutely, man, how's the hair doing? I mean, how are you doing? Sir?

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 2:08

I'm doing great, my friend. Today better than yesterday, and I hear tomorrow's gonna be better than today, so I'm sticking around. How about you?

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 2:16

I'm doing fantastic as well. Yeah. And I'm excited that you are here with us today to talk about what you do in this field. So yeah, I made a hair joke. And at the beginning, I know, it was kind of lame, like, how was your hair doing? Because, well, for one thing you suffered from, I won't say suffered, but it was kind of a genetic genetic thing, right with it. Alopecia.

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 2:46

You're right. Yeah, alopecia is just a fancy word to describe the hair loss. And hair loss is actually the misnomer, that hair is lost, it actually miniaturizes. And that's what the problem was with the hair loss until you figure out what the true pattern of hair loss is. And that's something that took us a couple of decades to actually discover the patterns of hair loss. And there happen to be five zones. And those five zones will have their own independent patterns within the body. And then we discovered the underlying molecular cause of each person, person's unique causes of hair loss. And then we found a customized pharmacy that could customize unique individual capsules based on bloodwork that I would submit to them. And that was 20 years ago. And now today we have clients on six continents, and every state in the United States, and very few people have heard about us because you have to understand precision sciences, precision medicine, and very few people today, unfortunately, although President Obama in 2015 mentioned the Precision Medicine Initiative, there are very few companies that have actually gotten into that industry. And we were one of the founding companies about 20 years ago.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 4:09

Absolutely. So you begin this journey into researching nearly 20 years ago or 25 years ago.

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 4:16

You know, when I was at the age of six, my mother said "I prayed to God for you to come to heal these people. You're going to be a physician". So I've always known that was a calling. And when I was asked at the medical school interview, what kind of doctor do you want to be?, I said "a good one". That's the only one that God ever asked me to do. I was also challenged with the riddle that affects 87% of men and 40% of women, and no one had resolved, that really left until the time where the advanced scientific techniques for this X ray crystallography allowed us to visualize the shapes of molecules. And that's going to change probably in the next 50 years. the way medicine is managed and the way we see health care today, we take pills that were designed forty years ago based on cellular technology. And we live with things called side effects. And those side effects are changes at the molecular level that today, we can visualize, we can measure and we can avoid.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 5:26

Absolutely. So to understand, the true causes of hair loss, it takes blood work. Is there any kind of light hits from diet or chemical imbalances?

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 5:46

So here's, here's the way I like to explain to people: the bloodstream is our Nile River, right? That's your Springwater. Right? So does nutrition influence the spring water in the Nile River, you better believe it right? How many macronutrients are there? only three. So we can measure the biomarkers with absolute specialist specificity, the amount of percentages of sugar in your bloodstream, the percentages of protein in your bloodstream, the percentages of the ratio of the good and bad cholesterol, and then you can also measure all the hormones.

So the nine panel biomarker report card is something that we initiate usually in there in a man's twenties, and it's a report card, they'll get done once a year, they'll perform it once a year for the rest of their life. And we now have patients 18 years worth of data. And if you follow those nine biomarkers, it'll change your health, it'll change your perception of medicine and health care. And these patients will live the optimal healthy life.

Our health care system today takes care of sick people. But it does not concentrate, and it has not evolved around the concept of optimal health and wellness, from the molecular chemistry on the inside. So when we, I always tell patients when you come for hair - to save for health, because I cannot grow your hair, if I cannot find your body's optimal health. Once we figure out how to make that Nile River an optimal Nile River, the body knows what to do. So the hair cells not only respond, the skin cells, the muscle cells, the bone cell, so all of your health is tied to your molecular chemistry. Intuitively, it makes sense. And as you mentioned, nutrition is a big part of it, because where does every biochemical inside your body derive its ingredients from and only from the foods that you consume.

So we have data now collected from six continents. And as we mentioned, we have more data than any other companies. So we've sourced and cross referenced nutrition and genetic biomarkers to determine what optimal ranges will be. We've yet to write a book and submit that. So it's gonna take a while for that data to to hit the mainstream. But there's a lot more we can do than just a hair loss: for example anxiety, depression, I think the number one prescriptions today are anxiety medications, anxiety and antidepressants. And the research came out that 18.1% of adults are taking some kind of medication for those conditions. And our biomarker report card discovered that 20% of men have an estrogen imbalance.

We're familiar that women have estrogen, but so do men. It's all about the absolute precise amount of that molecule inside your body. One little story I'll give to you because I know I've listened to some of your episodes. And I know that you like to take care of the wellness of the individual and mind body and soul. And we had a young man that came in and he was a medical students applying for medical school and had some hair loss issues. So we started working on his hair loss and discovered he had another enzyme deficiency that was causing with estrogen molecule to be elevated outside the ranges. And we moved it from 35 to 25. And the reason why I mentioned that he was applying to medical school he had taken in a test called the medical school entrance exam, and it's for 50%. And he said Doc, I'm not getting in and I said unfortunately not with 50%. So after he started on the program, and we reduced his estrogen from 35 down to 25. Not only had hair started to regrow in those areas, he retook his entrance exam and scored a 99.9% and received a full ride scholarship to the schools he applied to. So we didn't make him smarter. We helped him and make a better biochemistry biome. And his cells all responded to that food including the brain.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 10:09

Wow, wow. So I think I read somewhere about follicles that are kind of reabsorbed into the body, those never come back. Is that taken care of through a process? I mean, how do you revive like dead follicles?

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 10:27

Coach Deni What a great question. So this is where it gets tricky. And we have a program where we treat virtual clients, 50% of our clients come from outside of the country. So it's very difficult for us to assess the overall health of that follicle. We have a very high advanced microscope, patients come into the office, and we can examine exactly what you said the health of that follicle from the outside. Sometimes those hair follicles aren't quite dead yet, the term used is dormant, which means it's resting. But we can pretty much manage the expectations of patients. But if you're uncertain, it's probably worth it to fly into Los Angeles and get looked at under the microscope. Now there's an individual that he's allowed us to use his name, he's so thrilled with us. His name is Louis Jerez. And he flew in from New Jersey. And when I say hair fall, he was bald hair on his head. So he didn't think anything was going to come back. But he flew over. And I said to him to Luis, I think there's an opportunity. And year one, he said, Hey, Doc, I don't know. And I said I don't know, either, because hair growth is a slow process. So I said give it one more year, second year, he said, I'm a believer, by year four and a half, you can see the pictures that are probably posted or hopefully, my team can get you over to those photos. Absolutely amazing. He probably will have a full head of hair that you couldn't penetrate with bullets. It's unbelievable. And then we've got a young man named John Hill after nine months regrew a patch of hair in the center. He was a 53 year old black man. So there's no color, there's no race, there's no gender, it's it's a molecular imbalanced genetic, environmental effect, it doesn't matter to us. If it's inside your Nile River, let's get the blood work. Without the blood work. No one can treat that underlying disease. But with the bloodwork being known, it's as easy as understanding. And so it's an algorithm that we've derived from the data. And it's right every single time.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 12:40

Yeah, so I believe you answered this question I was gonna ask next about like, textures of hair or, you know, when it comes to demographics to different races. Because, you know, you go into the big box guys and you see their ads and there's you know, a certain demographics represented an assets. Okay, so this product isn't for me, or, you know, this brand isn't for me. But you mentioned that this is for all races, right.

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 13:12

Coach Dini .com used to be your friend, you can find what you are looking for today. With paid media. You can't find anything unless you ask the right questions. So you mentioned it's so we've got males females, my youngest client that started on the program was 15 years old with hair loss, and it's pretty significant. My oldest client is 82 years old. So the 15 year old was flew in from Australia, the mother brought the 15 year old over and now we treated his sister who started at 16 years old, and their photos are probably going to be on the website. Significant fantastic results. And the mother flew over from Australia and she said Dr. Neville, that's a long trip from Australia. But I didn't fly over because you grew hair on my 15 year old son which you did. She said my husband and my son have never behaved veteran my life. What made you put in those capsules and once again, the estrogen level was elevated in both the husband and the son as a genetic condition and by reducing the estrogen they now have a call my they've gotten more in inner peace that they don't have the ratio off so they can stay a lot more focused.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 14:32

Wow. So I don't know if you saw but I am a hairless man. Oh my head right. So check this out. Dr. Noodles. 2013 I went on like this nomadic adventure. To save money. I shaved my head so I wouldn't have to Capo cough up 25 bucks every two weeks for hair cut. You know just kind of shave off expenses and I also during this time I went to, you know, bad relationships, divorce. So a lot of depression and you know, things like that. I decided to grow my hair back and know what Dr. Nothing came.

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 15:16

Nothing came huh, how long did you give it, how much time?

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 15:22

Six years went by

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 15:23

OK. So now here's the here's an issue, right? So the hair loss, they can be multifactorial. And this is the trick. So 87% of men are going to have an underlying genetic deficiency in the enzymes that are going to control the hormones, which are the messengers to the DNA 40% of women have that same defect. Now on top of that, as you mentioned, stress, environmental stress and divorce, going through some changes, you know, life changing events, can call this alopecia areata, which are the circles. So when your hair was cut really short, you possibly could have had some stress spots that could have occurred on top of the genetic. But that being said, I'm not sure exactly what city you're located in, but if you'd be willing to fly into Los Angeles, I'd be willing to give you an honest assessment. And we'll see what we can do to support you on the program. But once again, you don't need a head full of hair to do anything in this world, you're already a good looking man, you can be, hair and it doesn't make you good look in one way or another. It's the biochemical imbalance. And I explained to people, imagine if there was a capsule designed through your body, that not only brought back hair, but also built more lean muscle. Also, reduce some of the body fat also helps you focus and think a little better. If that was out there, I'd be willing to get to bloodwork find out if that was a potential possibility for me. And with the estrogen, one in five men, so it's a lot larger of the findings than you'd think.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 17:02

Yeah. Yes, sir. So now with today's age, you know, we want everything now it's like, I want my money, I want it now. And it's like the commercial right? With the hair regrowth process, I assume that it could take a while. How long is a typical process before we see any kind of new growth.

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 17:27

And this is where we get into the biochemistry. So when you come into the appointments, we have two science reviews where we go over science, we talk about the first law of thermodynamics, Coach Deni, we talked about how the no changing in the energy, the energy can only be changed that cannot be destroyed. So we talked about how that is applied to the human body. So we go over a lot of science to help you understand how that blood work will impact the data and the resolution that we're going to make inside that formula. But to your what was the exact question you had? Have? oh the length of time. Yes, the length of time, so it depends on a lot of those factors. So we've got some patients that come in with blood sugar levels that are high for diabetes. So it's 13. On a scale of 5.7. Well, you just use your your logic right here doesn't want to grow the sugar water. So sometimes there's a big nutrition, uphill nutrition battle that we have to commit to, and work on. And then as I mentioned, we had that, you know, 53 year old man with a bald patch down the center, when you see it named Darnell Kearney. Once again, he said Dr. us my name, I've never been happier in my life. But his hair grew back in nine months. And they shocked us and we have some faces in mind less of a shock to you. But on a biochemical level, what is happening inside the body, people are afraid to take something without knowing what happens in the body so I can explain it. So we're going to put something so imagine where the salt pepper to the steak where the light bulb inside the house were very small. So what our ingredient does, it goes inside your body, and it cannot do anything on day one and day two, and week four and Week Six why your body is already built with enzymes. It's already built with a hair that's miniaturizing in the wrong direction. So we have to go in and learn the new recipe, we're the new birthday cake mix we're the two eggs with salt and baking soda and the flour. So we've got to create a new enzyme from scratch. Your body really makes you probably are aware of this your body remakes, new cells and new bodies every four to six weeks, you get a new set of cells. So your body's always adapting and changing. So we become that new ingredient we become a new fully formed enzyme without any defects. We then have to get lodged into the air so we have to kick out the old tear so we have to reprogram the DNA from the inside. All of that stuff takes about Three months. So I tell people that the first six months appointment expect that we stopped it from getting worse. And that's a victory in a condition that's progressive. That gets worse, as you mentioned, every year, every year until it's all gone. So stopping it is the key. And then I say, Give us another year because hair grows half a millimeter a day, by half an inch a month. So for you to be able to visibly see in those zones, enough evidence to stay committed, will take us probably another 12 months, so 18 months. That being said, on the website, you'll see a ton of photos, it's not much, we've come across a magical formula for the topical that no one's ever heard of my medical school training surgery circle through the ophthalmology fellowship route. And I came across a glaucoma medicine that was working on making the eyelashes grow. And we started studying that very few ophthalmologists treat hair loss, because usually it was a dermatology type of disorder. And now it is a endocrinologist that will be treating hair loss. So we've got lucky to be in those places. And that's where I go back to my my only point or direction was good doctor didn't have an idea of which one God just said, equal. So if you're open to the truth, but it's getting you dig around long enough, you'll find it.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 21:25

Absolutely. So is is faith involved in Stop and Regrow. Now, I'm a PK, a pastor's kid. So I'm all about faith and spirituality. And, yeah, so is God, part of the structure of your company?

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 21:42

Well, you need to help me hit the nail on the head. If you don't believe in it, my medicine will not work, right? Because I have to earn your trust, and how am I going to earn your trust. And I'm telling people that I know that God should be here to do this for you. And I'm going to give you all the best evidence I can, but I'm not going to give you my opinions, we're only going to use the scientific data. But once we take someone's biochemistry, we take all of these numbers, for example, 78.9, and we move it down to a 22.2. And you can see that in your bloodstream, that you can see it in the mirror, you did start to become a believer. And I do mention that, you know, there's nothing you can do about nothing, everything God gave to us. So let's be very honest. Anything you want in life is going to come from that. And in the Bible lives, our spin ball on this on all their head is in our future. godsend to get. And I think it's the time to say now's the time for us to look inside. Right, we've got to prepare the ways. And that's mentally first, the valleys and the mountains are not done the outside God did that. Move him out anytime you want. But can you free will change your mind lower the mountain and raise the valleys and only Jesus Christ can you do that? Any other way is getting gets lost?

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 23:00

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Man, that is the core of everything. Thank you. Thank you. All right. So offices are located where where can people? Even if we're around the world, where can we connect with stop and regrow?

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 23:17

You know, the best way to get a hold of us if you're going to see us in the office is Los Angeles. It's everywhere on the West Coast is where we started getting expanded out to Florida or looking for a location to see people there. The dynamic of the of the pre qualification, I think really sets within the realm of the barbers and stylists. If they could have that microscope that we have in their hands, they could they could be viewing the patient, losing and miniaturizing on the spot. So our real long term goal is really to be training them to catch the pre qualification. Everything else can be done virtually. We've partnered with LabCorp and Quest, so they have 4000 + 6000 lab locations. So within three miles of your zip code, we should be able to find a lab for you. And then we can do the training. We've got a PowerPoint presentation goes over all the science, we've then teach you about all the different types of hair loss. And then we go over the biochemical report card and hopefully you'll as I mentioned, we would love to give offer you a complimentary one. If you'd like to have it read online online, one day and report it to your fans, I think would be fantastic. You'll learn a lot about sugar, protein and fat and how that those molecules of federal hormones and how the hormones affect the body. So the best way is probably if you're going to come Los Angeles otherwise, website is an easy way to get hold of us. We do offer a free consultation. So anyone that calls in or any of your fans will get a free consultation with our staff prior to booking a two part assessment where we're going to not only review pictures and your intake and your nutrition, but also your biochemical report card prior to writing the medication.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 25:10

Wow, man, I definitely have to come see you in LA. We have a studio out there in Studio City. So I frequent there.

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 25:19

Yeah, I saw that on your on your site your handle there. I lived over there in Studio City near Mulholland drive beautiful areas. Mulholland yeah.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 25:29

Oh yeah. All right. So I'll, definitely come see you one of these days, and maybe even take this experiment on the road and show our listeners the process plus the duration. And be real cool thing to do I think

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 25:46

You got it, sounds great. love to be a part of anything you have.  Our team partners with small businesses and even medium sized businesses. Optimal Health is going to be a it's a new thing. I think health care insurance. I I'm honest, as a doctor, I don't have the health care insurance. If you save $150, about 15 years ago for me. And it once I get over 500 I thought we can afford to pay for sick care. I'm just going to invest in health care. So I've been investing on optimizing my health and I have had very few issues with health related diseases. So our how our optimal health annuity costs 65 cents a day about $19 a month and we can keep you so healthy, you'll never need that other sick insurance.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 26:33

Wow. That's good news, actually. Wow.

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 26:38

Yeah, it's a brand new brand new world, right? It should. The spread of knowledge. And knowledge is powerful with the paid media structure, our partners, their global company that owns the collective group raised a billion dollars, the last two years. So I doubt you'll ever see an ad for our company, right? So it's going to be people like you sharing the message. And we really appreciate you reaching out to us and we getting getting on your show. So thank you very much.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 27:07

Absolutely. Absolutely. Oh, before we let you go. I know you do a podcast with Chef Jay. How often are you guys cranking out episodes?

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 27:17

yes we go on there once a week and the ingredients for a better life. And I saw that you're also a vegan? So yeah, interesting. I'd like to see you get your blood work done. Because you understand how tricky it is to get protein molecules into the body. And I'm not sure if you're aware that 90% of the molecules in the body are made of a protein derivative. So really, you know, sourcing the enough of that protein molecule and understanding how the small intestines absorb only six grams of protein per hour, you and I can have some conversations to really make sure you maximize enough bloodstream enough protein in your bloodstream. Imagine you're the coal to the furnace. But if you don't put enough coal in there, you're not going to be able to burn enough and make enough of right stuff. So those are the small what I call life hacks. And when you just absorb that knowledge, you'll go out make better decisions, and the rest of your life gets better whether or not you stay with us or not. There's a ton of just things that will make a lot of sense to you. And logics already leading us in that direction. But paid media doesn't want logic to get in the way of a profitable society.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 28:25

Man. Absolutely, absolutely. All right. All right, yes. Looking forward to having those conversations with you. Especially about the diet and the nutrients that we can get from the foods that we eat. But one more time, where can people connect with you online?

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 28:42

The best place is a And I thought that was easiest. You know, I said we're scientists, not marketing. I thought Stop and Regrow is the easiest way to find someone that wanted to stop your hair loss or regrow it. But, you know, I've got LeBron James in Los Angeles, and his manager hasn't found this in the last six, seven years. So I don't know for that easy to find Coach Deni

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 29:07

wait, Lebron James?

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 29:09

I'm saying he has not found us, otherwise, you know, he'd have a head full of hair on his head. The manager is mad at me. So you've got a good manager, you they should be able to find the stop and regrow. I would if I were searching, I thought my mind was right, then stop or regrow. And I think on the SEO, we're in the top two or three. So people are finding us if you search enough, but you got to put in the homework down here.

Coach Dini - Vigilantes Radio 29:40

Absolutely. Absolutely. You don't have to research regrow. I mean, this should be like a top term right. I think that's what I put in when I want to know what can I do to get my hair back, you know,

Dr Ray Nettles - Stop and Regrow 29:53

and then I do have a lot of competitors that will pay for our term that you today you can pay for any time The devil would have gotten to me with a billion dollars, it's going to be tricky to even get a hold of us. So I really appreciate you having us on the show. And that's where most of our new clients are coming from is through patient client referrals with family members. And coming through shows like this, where it's really, you know, people come to learn something not just to be entertained. You can get entertained in a lot of places, but it's very tough to get the knowledge and knowledge that could become wisdom.

If you are interested to learn more about the Stop and Regrow program and whether it will work for you, go ahead and complete our eligibility quiz then book a free video consultation online here.

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