Included in the Stop and reGrow program are regular progress reviews (at least bi-annually) including both macro and micro picture taking. We also like to review labs again on an annual basis. Progress review information is used to update your personalized formula where needed to ensure optimal hair regrowth.
This week we had a client come in for his second progress review consultation after 7 months on the program. I thought you might be interested to learn about his experience with us.
James came to see us originally 7 months ago because he had hair loss in his family and had started to see a lot of hair fall on his pillow in the mornings as well as in the shower. He was also concerned that his hair was starting to thin considerably and he had noticed it was moving back at the front.
Like for all our clients, we reviewed his hair related medical history, together with him we looked at his hair under the NettlesScope and had him complete a blood test battery so we could learn about his personal hair loss profile.
What we found was that James was indeed suffering from Androgenetic Alopecia (hereditary hair loss) and that if he did nothing, he would over time recede back further from the front and develop a donut hole at the back of his head which would gradually expand out over time. It time he would lose 50% of the hair on his head.
From his lab results we could see that he is one of the 50% of men and 25% of women who are affected by a small glitch on one gene which causes them to convert more Testosterone than they should into DHT. In Paul’s case his overly high DHT levels are causing his hair loss and if not reduced will in future lead to prostate problems too.
I developed the NettlesScope so that I can see (and show you in the consultation) your personal pattern of miniaturization. From this I can tell you where your hair loss will spread over time. #SeeYourFuture
While James’s stress levels were a little higher than I would like (he was working 60-80 hours per week), his diet, sleep and exercise were good and I did not see any signs of stress related hair loss under the NettlesScope. Stress affects the hair follicles differently than DHT does.
As a result of all the above we determined that James was a great candidate for the Stop and reGrow program and he was excited to get started right away.
Based on all the data I collected from James and his test results I created a personalized solution just for him, designed to work with his personal biology. James’s personalized prescription hair foam and pills were shipped to him a week later and he got started with applying the foam to the scalp each night right before bed and taking the pill as directed. Good job James!
Returning to the present, we were very excited to see the progress that James has made on the program after just 7 months. For context, normally we expect that the first 3-6 months are when we will stop the hair loss and it’s in the 6 to 9 month time frame that we expect to see hair regrowth happening. By 12 months you will know for sure if the program is working for you or not. By this time your hair will be not only re-growing but also increasing in thickness and density.
Above are James’s before and after pictures from 0 and 7 months. On the left is the head-on photo from his initial consultation the week before he started the program. On the right is after 7 months of treatment. Luckily, James has some natural features which made it much easier for us to identify his progress. He has a mole at the top left of his forehead which you can see clearly below the hairline on his before picture. It actually took us a while to find it on his 7 month progress shot because his hair has grown back down below it. James also has a scar in the middle of his forehead from a childhood accident. When we measure the difference between that and his now lower hairline, his hairline is a full half inch lower than it was when he started with Stop and reGrow. He has also noticed his hair starting to fill out and thicken up again on top.
We were so excited about how well Stop and reGrow is working for James we wanted to share it with you too. If you are wondering whether Stop and reGrow will work for you, don’t wait. Take action today and schedule your hair loss consultation here. You don’t have anything to lose except your hair if you wait.
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