If you have been following Stop and Regrow you will know by now that Nutrition is a big part of our holistic program to rebalance your biochemistry so that we can reverse the cause of your hair loss and allow your hair to regrow.
One of the foods that we recommend to help with hair growth and overall health and wellbeing is Nuts. We should all consume nuts of we can.
Nuts are one of the most complete and healthy food sources around. On a molecular level they contain:
If you aren’t aware of how the body digests food, each time we eat it takes between 1-3 hours for that meal to pass through the digestion process. Liquids go through faster and highly fibrous and dense foods slower. So a protein shake for example will be close to 1-1 1/2 hours (depending how thick you made it) and a steak closer is to 3 hours.
Add this information to the fact that there is a limit on how much can be absorbed on the way through by our intestines. When it comes to protein, our intestines cannot absorb more that about 10g of protein per hour. Couple that with an average digestion time per meal of 2 hours and you get an average protein intake of about 20g of protein each time we eat.
Ideally for optimal hair health we want to be targeting at least 100g of protein per day, more if we work out a lot. Nuts are a great way to help us meet this goal.
Nuts make the perfect mid-afternoon snack at around 3 pm between lunch and dinner. Their protein and fat content help regulate our sugar levels while providing our brains with the nutrition needed to keep going for the rest of the day.
What does Dr Nettles do you might ask?
"In order to eat nuts each day for my snack, I must have nuts around every day.” He says. “The trick is in preparation. Each evening we plan our next day. Therefore, each week we should plan our next week.”
How much should you buy?
2/3 of a cup of nuts will give you 20g of protein. 5 cups of nuts will get you through each week of 1 x 20g snack of nuts per day.
The inside scoop: Dr Nettles each week buys 4 different kinds of Nuts to mix things up. At the end of the week they should be gone and it's time to return and buy some more. Only #52 trips a year.
With carbohydrates unfortunately dominating the developing world's caloric intake, spiking an ever increasing A1C Sugar level into diabetic territory, Dr Nettles research at Stop and Regrow has determined the optimal A1C level is below 5.0 with the optimal level of protein over 7.5 and the optimal level for HDL over 60. With nutrition it's less about what you avoid and more about consuming more of the good stuff you already enjoy.
What are your levels? Knowledge is liberating. Get your Biochemical Report Card (BRC) labs and find out today!
Schedule your no obligation Free Phone Consultation today to learn about how Stop and Regrow can regrow your hair.
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